"The Saddle Tree"
Artist Sandra Hiller
Mixed Media - Sculptured Leather & Acrylic Art
"Sculptured Leather Art"
1: Each piece starts with
an original drawing. It
is then transferred to a
flat piece of leather and
tooled just like a
wallet would be done.
2: The areas of the
picture that are to be
raised out are stretched
from the back by
placing a children's
marble under it and
pressing over it.
5: The resulting cavity
is filled with a putty of
leather dust and cement.
The picture is then tooled
again, adhered to a
Masonite backing and
tooled for a third time.
6: The areas of the
picture that are to be
completely raised out
(antlers, ears etc.) are
cut loose with a scalpel
and sculpted from
behind with more of the
leather dust putty.
7: At this time, the hairs
or feathers are cut with
the scalpel. The
background is
completely tooled in.
8: The picture is finished
by applying a leather
dressing, painting with
acrylic paints and sealing
with a UV-resistant
acrylic sealer.
No two pieces will ever
be the same.